We help make our clients even more profitable by supplying them with world-class financial information.

 The accounting and financial reporting services we provide represent an asset for our clients by generating useful and trustworthy crucial information for their decisions.

Our Accounting and Financial Reporting department is run by highly qualified professionals in their field.

We use the technical framework supplied by the Financial Reporting Standards applicable in Mexico and when necessary, International Financial Reporting Standards or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the US (US GAAP). This in turn allows us to point out areas of opportunity and present recommendations for successful strategies


The Accounting and Financial Reporting department offers the following services:

Financial Statements:

  • Based on Mexican, International or US reporting standards
  • Consolidated Statements.
  • Combined Statements.
  • Statements for nonprofit corporations.

Financial Statements Conversion:

  • From foreign operations to Mexican standards.
  • From Mexican operations to International or US standards

Initial application of specific Standards or recently enacted Standards